must의 활용 - 보나마나야
1. 강한 의무 - 규칙 have to
2. 강한 추측 - 확신 - 보나마나
과거- must have P.P
must의 활용 一 보나마나야
1. 하루 종일 일했어? 진짜 피곤하겠네.
You worked all day?
You must be dead tired.
2. 그 애 아직 안 나타났어? 회의때문에 묶여있나봐.
He hasn't shown up yet?
he must be tied up in the meeting.
3. 너 그거 진짜 좋아하는구나. 벌써 세개째야. 치울까?
You must like it a lot.
That's your third one.
Do you want me to put that away?
Do you want me to
Do you want me to go?
Do you want me to get it?
4. 그 사람 여기 없나봐. 어디 갔나봐.
He must not be around.
He must be out of town.
out of = outr
be around He's around. out of town I in town Iwas out of town. I'II be in town next Tuesday.
must의 활용 추측과거 have p.p
5. 이거 진짜 잘 했네. 시간 무지 썼겠네.
You did a great job on this.
You must have spent a lot of time on this.
spend (시간/돈) 동사-ing
spend (시간/돈) on 명사
I spent three hours studying.
I spent three hours on this.
I spent $10 shopping for this.
I spent $10 on this.
waste (시간/돈) 동사-ing
waste (시간/돈) on 명사
6. 그거 정말 어려웠나봐. 시험 잘 나온 사람이 아무도 없어.
It must have been really difficult.
Nobody did well on the test.
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